Betrüger unter sich

If you wanted to embody how the turkeys running things react when confronted with the fact that they voted for Thanksgiving and Christmas, it would be Bankman-Fraud being invited to speak at a New York Times event next week alongside Yellen, President Zelenskiy, and Ben Affleck/Batman. Alleged harems, billions of dollars in client money missing, and public accusations it was used as a personal and political piggy bank? Hey – have a seat alongside the global elite (and Batman) to say sorry and tell us about all the good things you did! Madoff obviously wasn’t available.

Sehen Sie, so einfach ist es, hunderte von Millionen Dollar zu rauben und ungeschoren damit davonzukommen. Man muss nur die Kommunisten großzügig schmieren, dann geschieht einem gar nichts. War ja nur Ihr Geld.

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