Freie Fahrt für reiche Bürger

Perhaps the worst part about the kill switch is that it would have a backdoor, allowing the police and other law enforcement agencies access … The speculation is that a warrant would not be needed to access the kill switch. The other problem with backdoors is that they are accessible to hackers … The definition of „driver impairment“ could also be applied in a more vague sense, opening the door for all kinds of abuse … It’s not inconceivable that in the future, such schemes could be linked to Chinese-style social credit score programs which punish people who express the „wrong“ opinions by limiting their access to their own vehicle.

So schnell kann man gar nicht gucken, da werden die Black-Box-Dystopieszenarien aus dem vorigen Beitrag schon umgesetzt. Aber die haben mich sogar überholt. Dass kritische Worte über die Regierung künftig das Auto abschalten, hatte ich noch nicht auf dem Schirm.

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