Umverteilung nach ganz oben

Economist Jeff Currie of Goldman Sachs (Global Head of Commodities Research in the Global Investment Research Division): “Here’s a stat for you, as of January of this year. At the end of last year, overall, fossil fuels represented 81 percent of overall energy consumption. Ten years ago, they were at 82. So though, all of that investment in renewables, you’re talking about 3.8 trillion, let me repeat that $3.8 trillion of investment in renewables moved fossil fuel consumption from 82 to 81 percent, of the overall energy consumption. But you know, given the recent events and what’s happened with the loss of gas and replacing it with coal, that number is likely above 82 … The net of it is clearly we haven’t made any progress.”

Aber, aber, es GAB doch einen Riesenfortschritt. 3,8 Billionen Dollar wurden in die Taschen der Superreichen umgeleitet, die jetzt noch superreicherer sind. Wofür sonst wären wir auf der Welt?

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